May 27, 2020 / Somers, NY – The members of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) Local 1-2 announced they proudly stand in support of Assemblyman Kevin Byrne and strongly endorse his re-election to continue serving the people of New York’s 94th Assembly District.
Assemblyman Byrne thanked Vice President William Smith and the UWUA membership for their early endorsement, “The hard-working men and women of the UWUA do a tremendous job in providing services to people throughout our state.” Byrne continued “I was raised in a UWUA household. My father recently retired from his 45 year career at ConEdison. His time spent working as a linemen made a strong impression on me and my family. The long hours, overtime, and days spent away from home to ensure the power stayed on for the rest of us. This endorsement means a great deal to me and my family. High voltage line workers are routinely ranked as one of the top ten most deadly jobs across the country. We must ensure that these hard-working men and women are treated fairly and are granted the protections necessary to make their jobs as safe as possible.”
UWUA Local 1-2 Vice President William Smith announced the endorsement in a letter to the assemblyman adding, “Certainly, coming from a Local 1-2 family, that provided you healthcare, a decent family life and example of hard work from your father Brother Dan Byrne, provides you deep personal insight into the life of working men and women and the odds stacked against them versus the Bosses. This is why we fight; this is what we do. We keep the lights on and the power flowing. But, without support, like yours, from our elected officials we would be only so many interchangeable parts afforded only the right to work for less.”