A New Generation of Leadership for Putnam County
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Meet Kevin
As Putnam County Executive, Kevin Byrne has done more to prioritize government spending, streamline services, implement new cost savings initiatives, and lower taxes.
In his first year as County Executive, Kevin delivered real tax relief that reduced the overall tax burden in the budget for the first time in 25 years, lowered the tax rate to its lowest level in 15 years, and reduced sales tax to make it fairer and less regressive- all with no new borrowing. This is in addition to enacting a new property tax exemption for volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers that further compliments his record of lowering taxes as a state Assemblyman where he not only stood firm voting against every state tax increase, but actually cut income taxes for middle class families and brought back property tax relief.
Kevin resides in Mahopac with his wife, Briana, who has a busy career as a physician assistant (PA), with their young son, Braeden.
Taxes & Spending
As your County Executive, I’ll continue the fight to right-size government, control spending, and reign in taxes so you can keep more of your hard-earned dollars in your pocket!
Learn More ›Constitutional Freedoms
The Constitution as our governing document, after years of amendments, enshrined principles to all our citizens, regardless of our individual differences, as equal protections and rights under the law.
Learn More ›Rule of Law
I will always stand up for the rule of law and oppose efforts to remove judicial discretion, eliminate cash bail, make NY a ‘sanctuary state’, and grant automatic parole eligibility for violent criminals and cop killers.
Learn More ›Job Creation
In the 2020 census, Putnam County lost more than 2,000 people. We must continue to expand opportunities for people to live and work right here in Putnam County.
Learn More ›Veterans
In Putnam County, we proudly honor our military heroes. I’ll remain a tireless advocate for our veterans to have everything they have earned.
Learn More ›First Responders
I’ll remain a staunch advocate for the people who assure our safety & security every day. I’ll do all I can to assure they have the best equipment & support.
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