Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R, C, Ref-Mahopac) is pleased to announce his legislation to alienate previous parkland and add additional new parkland elsewhere in the town of Southeast (A10388A) has been signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. This legislation allows the town of Southeast to welcome a new, state-of-the-art youth baseball facility and creates a net increase of 10 new acres of projected open space in the town. A home rule request made by the town of Southeast brought this forward to the Legislature. ProSwing Sports plans to develop a new sports facility that will help provide youth recreation, boost the economy, and create jobs.
“This bill is the result of a lot of hard work from our colleagues in local and state government,” said Byrne. “Not only are we helping the town welcome a new business to the area, but we are actually adding more protected open space in the town for our residents to enjoy. This facility not only benefits our town and its economy, but our children as well. I thank Gov. Cuomo for signing this meaningful legislation to assist our community.”
Tony Hay, Supervisor of the Town of Southeast added, “The Town of Southeast would like to thank Governor Cuomo, Senator Harckham and Assemblyman Byrne for making the Town of Southeast Parkland alienation bill a reality. The Town would also like to thank ProSwing Sports for choosing the Town of Southeast for this amazing opportunity to bring a first-class sports complex to our Town. The Town will greatly benefit by the many economic pluses that the proposed complex will bring to our Town; as well as adding and preserving additional acreage to a most beautiful historic and scenic Starr Ridge Road. It is something we can all be quite proud of having accomplished during some very challenging and stressful times.”
Earlier this year Dan Gray, President of ProSwing Sports said, “ProSwing Sports is excited and thankful for the support of Assemblyman Kevin Byrne and Senator Peter Harckham and their respective houses in approving the home rule legislation that will permit the town of Southeast to proceed with consideration of state of the art facilities including, multi field and indoor court facilities on Pugsley Road. The facility will promote youth athletics, sportsmanship, diversity, economic growth and scholastic opportunity for young men and women throughout the region. As proposed, this will also make possible additional parkland for passive recreation located on Starr Ridge Road, which has been designated a historic and scenic route by the town of Southeast. The town of Southeast Comprehensive Plan encourages the pursuit of opportunities for public, private partnerships in the development of recreational resources. We are pleased that this project will specifically respond to that desire expressed by the town. The support we have received from the town board of the town of Southeast, the Putnam County Legislature, and County Executive Odell make it more gratifying that we can provide a healthy, nurturing environment for our communities in order to promote and develop self-esteem, team building, and leadership skills. We are enormously thankful for the support we have received thus far and look forward to contributing to the improvement in the quality of life of parents and children using youth sports as the vehicle.”
This legislation, along with two other bills sponsored by Assemblyman Byrne, were recently signed by the governor.