On November 11, Gov. Cuomo signed into a law a bill, co-sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin Byrne that will increase paid leave for state employees with combat experience.
On November 11, Gov. Cuomo signed and approved legislation amending military law to provide additional paid leave for state workers with combat experience. The bill, co-sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,I,Ref-Mahopac), represents a big step forward in providing veterans with additional flexibility to ease the transition back to life at home, and promises to serve as an invaluable tool for those who placed their lives on the line to defend our country.
The physical and emotional toll of combat experience is undeniable, and upon their return home, many veterans require extensive healthcare related services, including counseling. This bill, which was introduced by Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-88) ensures that state employees who saw combat and need additional time to seek care are afforded the paid leave required to do so.
“Caring for our veterans is a non-partisan issue, and I am thrilled to have been able to work with my colleagues across the aisle to provide veterans working for the state with the paid leave they need to seek these important healthcare related services,” said Byrne. “I’d like to thank Assemblywoman Paulin for introducing this crucial piece of legislation, and Gov. Cuomo for recognizing the need to support these brave and selfless men and women.”
Similar legislation had been introduced in 2015 and 2016, however, this year’s bill is the first to be signed by the governor. The law will take effect on March 11, 2018, following a 120 day waiting period.