New York, NY / June 29, 2020 – The hard-working men and women of the Boilermakers Local No. 5 have once again thrown their support behind Assemblyman Kevin Byrne in his bid for re -election to the New York State Assembly. The endorsement was announced in a June 29, 2020 letter provided by Boilermakers Local Lodge No. 5 President Tom Ryan.
“Today, more than ever, we need a man of character to represent our families and protect our livelihoods” said Ryan. “Boilermakers desire an assembly member on the labor committee they can count on to provide energy jobs for New Yorkers. They need someone who believes New Yorkers should generate their own electrical power, and not import it from another state or country. Assemblyman Byrne understands how important it is to keep electrical power generation in the Lower Hudson Valley for our community’s economic security and vitality.”
Byrne thanked Ryan and his members for their continued support of his candidacy. “Since first elected in 2016, I have worked diligently to listen and work with all the residents of New York’s 94th Assembly District. I’ve listened to the hard-working men and women who labor to create the infrastructure and equipment we need to live our daily lives, and am honored to once again have their support in this year’s upcoming election.”
According to the union’s website, “The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers is a diverse union representing over 100,000 workers throughout the United States and Canada in construction, repair, maintenance, manufacturing, professional emergency medical services, and related industries. With its headquarters in Kansas City, Kansas, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers unites 420 Local Lodges throughout North America, providing numerous services for Local Lodges and individual members and uniting all our members in our common endeavor: to improve the lives and lifestyles of our members.
Today’s Field Construction Boilermaker is involved in more than just the construction and repair of boilers. Boilermakers are a vital part of construction project teams that erect and repair pressure vessels, air pollution equipment, blast furnaces, water treatment plants, storage and process tanks, stacks and liners. A Boilermaker could be involved in the installation of a giant super-heater section in a large utility boiler, the erection of a 750,000-gallon water storage tank, the placement of a nuclear power plant reactor dome or the construction of components on a hydroelectric power station.”
You can learn more about The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers Local Lodge No. 5 at https://boilermakerslocal5.com/