Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R, C, Ref-Mahopac) is pleased to report that on June 10, 2020, his legislation (A10012) to enable the Town of Yorktown to raise revenue for local recreation without raising taxes passed the Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan support.
“The passage of this bill is the result of teamwork and collaboration with our partners in local government,” said Byrne. “This legislation, initially requested by the Town of Yorktown, will permit the Town to lease any and all sports field fences at Legacy Field and Granite Knoll Sports Complex in order to fund turf replacement at both facilities. This provides a new creative revenue source for local facilities without having to further dip into the wallets and pocketbooks of property taxpayers. I thank my colleagues for their support of this bipartisan bill that assists both taxpayers and local recreation.”
Yorktown Town Supervisor Matt Slater thanked the Assemblyman, “This is an important initiative that will help protect local taxpayers while providing critical funds for the future use of Yorktown’s turf fields at Legacy Field and Granite Knolls. Yorktown appreciates Assemblyman Byrne’s strong advocacy and partnership.”
Since taking office Assemblyman Byrne has introduced and passed over a dozen bills addressing local needs in the 94th Assembly District, several of which directly support the Town of Yorktown.
This particular legislation passed the Assembly on June 10, 2020. Same as legislation has also been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Harckham which has been referred to the Rules Committee.