Assemblyman Kevin Byrne hosted a free red carpet screening of ‘The Lego Ninjago Movie’ for children with autism spectrum disorders on Saturday, October 14, at Carmel Cinema 8.
On Saturday, October 14, Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,I,Ref-Mahopac) hosted a special movie event for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families. The free event, presented in partnership with Green Chimneys, Putnam ARC and Carmel Cinema, offered attendees the chance to walk the red carpet and have their picture taken like a Hollywood movie star in advance of a screening of ‘The Lego Ninjago Movie’.
Upwards of 50 attendees enjoyed Saturday’s event, which featured complimentary refreshments, as well as several autism-friendly amenities, including a judgement free venue, lower volume and house lights on at half capacity. Children from several local communities were present for the screening, accompanied by parents and siblings, and many arrived well in advance of the screening for a red carpet photoshoot.
“It was such a privilege to not only have the opportunity to play a role in bringing this event to Putnam County, but also to be able to enjoy a trip to the movies with such an enthusiastic and exceptional group of children,” said Byrne. “This fantastic event never would have been possible without the support of our devoted local partners, however the kids truly were the stars of the show. I’m very much looking forward to hosting similar events moving forward.”
“The success of Saturday’s red carpet movie screening at Carmel Cinema 8 is a testament to the caring and generous community we have here in Putnam County,” said Putnam County Legislator Paul E. Jonke. “I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Assemblyman Byrne, Green Chimneys, Putnam ARC and Carmel Cinemas for hosting this special event and providing an unforgettable experience for our local children.”
“Thank you to Assemblyman Kevin Byrne for hosting this weekend’s red carpet movie screening of ‘The Lego Ninjago Movie’ for children with autism spectrum disorders and their families,” said Green Chimneys Executive Director Ed Placke. “As a provider of therapeutic education and clinical services for children with special needs, we are pleased to see representatives such as Assemblyman Byrne work towards the common goal of providing young people with the support they need to reach their full potential.”