Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R, C, Ref-Mahopac) is pleased to announce that on June 9th, 2020, his legislation (A07888) passed the Assembly to rename the Prospect Hill Road Bridge the “Putnam County Workers Memorial Bridge.” The bridge, located in the Town of Southeast, crosses over the Harlem Line tracks and parts of the MTA Metro-North Railroad’s Brewster Yard.
“Without the hard-working men and women of Putnam County, our community would not be what it is today,” said Byrne. “That is why it is important we recognize their demanding work and everyday sacrifice. Many of these workers face dangerous hazards while on the job. Whether working on a scaffold, railroad, busy roadway, or a utility pole, these workers, both union and non-union, just want to earn a living to support themselves and their families. I would like to thank my colleagues in the Assembly for helping to make this gesture of recognition possible for the amazing workers in our community.”
“The people of Putnam County take pride in their strong labor roots, and we continue to be the home for so many hard-working men and women,” said Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell. “These workers are the lifeblood of our county, and we thank Assemblyman Byrne for recognizing their indispensable contributions.”
“The Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body once again is proud of our Assemblyman Kevin Byrne on naming the new Prospect Hill Bridge ‘The Putnam County Workers Memorial Bridge,’” said Thomas Carey, President of the Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body AFL-CIO. “We must always remember the value of the men and women in labor who have been injured or killed on the job, and with continued safety measures, we can all work to ensure safety is paramount to everyone who toils in labor. Assemblyman Kevin Byrne continues to be a proven leader for labor and this legislation that he put forward is just another testament of his dedication for the working class. Thank you, Assemblyman Kevin Byrne for your continued Leadership.”
“We thank Assemblyman Byrne for his leadership in naming the Prospect Hill Bridge in Southeast,” said Anthony Acsencio, Business Manager Laborers’ Local 60. “We are very pleased to see the bridge named in recognition of the hard-working men and women who help make Putnam County a great place to live.”
This particular legislation passed the Assembly on June 9, 2020. Same as legislation has also been introduced in the Senate by Sen. Harckham. That legislation (S8540) which is presently in committee.