September 8, 2020/ Hicksville, NY – The New York State Fraternal Order of Police has joined the ranks of the numerous other first responders and organized labor organizations to endorse Assemblyman Kevin Byrne in his bid for re-election this year.
In a letter dated August 18, 2020, NYS FOP President Michael Essig wrote, “As the oldest and largest national association of law enforcement professionals, with over 20,000 members statewide, we have based our endorsement upon your demonstrated and continued support of police professionals.” Essig continued, “Further, as police professionals who most experience and witness the trauma and effects of criminal behavior wrecked upon our fellow citizens, we understand, all too well, the significance of dedicated public servants as you who possess the courage and compassion to promote the confidence in our government and courts.”
Byrne thanked NYSFOP President Essig and the thousands of FOP members for their endorsement. “Since first deciding to seek elected office in 2016, I have been honored to run with the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police in each election. I have worked diligently to listen, learn and serve all our first responders, including our police, in the state Assembly. Our men and women in blue, along with their families, are facing immense pressures at work and at home. I’m proud to be one of the elected representatives in the Assembly speaking up for them and standing up with them. Again, I’m honored to accept this endorsement and to seek re-election with the support of these amazing men and women.”

According to the NYSFOP website, “In 1955, the idea of a National Organization of Police Officers came about. Today, the tradition that was first envisioned over 85 years ago lives on with more than 2,000 local lodges and 299,000 members in the United States. The Fraternal Order of Police has become the largest professional police organization in the country. The FOP continues to grow because we have been true to the tradition and continued to build on it. The Fraternal Order of Police are proud professionals working on behalf of law enforcement officers from all ranks and levels of government.”
This endorsement comes on the heels of endorsements from other first responders organizations including the Westchester Affiliated Police Associations, Lake Mohegan Professional Firefighters I.A.F.F. Local 2956, Putnam Sheriff’s Dept. PBA, New York City PBA, NYS Troopers PBA, NYS Fraternal Order of Police, Yonkers PBA, NYS Court Officers Association, Law Enforcement Employees Benevolent Association, Westchester County Corrections Officers Benevolent Association, and the Westchester County Correction Superior Officers Association.