“Putnam County voters, in particular Republican and Conservative voters, have a special opportunity to vote for a man whom I believe will offer us all sincere and honest leadership as our next Putnam County Executive. The open seat may very well turn into a primary contest. If it does, I can think of no other candidate more qualified or prepared to lead us than our current state Assemblyman Kevin Byrne.
As you may or may not know, I served with much gratitude to the voters, as your Town of Carmel Supervisor and was then asked and served by appointment as Putnam Deputy County Executive. There is no doubt in my mind, as I have met and discussed issues facing our communities with Assemblyman Kevin Byrne, that he has the leadership skills to be an excellent county executive for all Putnam residents.
Kevin represents the values of all our people regardless of party affiliation as he has shown his legislative savvy as Assemblyman and working across the aisle, when necessary, as a Republican legislator in Albany. He has been supportive of policies that help create jobs and bring new business to our area. His strong opposition to wasteful spending, high taxes, and excessive regulation of small business (particularly harmful mandates), has only further revealed his skill, knowledge and leadership abilities. Kevin has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to champion reforms that would help our state and community, never afraid to speak up for the regular hard-working families of our communities.
On top of his legislative experience and professional background from the healthcare and nonprofit sectors, Kevin also holds a master’s degree in public administration which will aid him in easily transitioning into the position of Putnam County Executive.
Kevin supports local law enforcement and was a leader in exposing corruption in Albany. He spoke up against Andrew Cuomo and his wrongdoings when few others, including Republicans, dared.
As a former deputy county executive and former town supervisor of the largest town in Putnam County, I am uniquely aware of the various tasks required of a county executive. I know Kevin has what it takes to lead our county to a brighter future as our next Putnam County Executive. I ask you to join me, whether it is in a primary or general election, in supporting Kevin. He has my full support and endorsement. Learn more about Kevin, his background and ideas at www.Byrne4Putnam.com”
Frank J. Del Campo
Former Putnam Deputy County Executive, Carmel Town Supervisor and Carmel Town Councilman