Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,I,SAM,ROS-Mahopac) is condemning the silence from Assembly Democrats on Gov. Hochul’s pay-to-play deal giving a COVID-19 testing contract to Digital Gadgets, LLC after receiving a large donation from its founder and CEO. A contract was awarded to the company to the tune of $637 million without a competitive-bidding process. The tests cost the state on average $12.25 each, while tests from other companies cost as low as $5 each.
“Why haven’t Assembly Democrats taken action to investigate this egregious pay-to-play scandal? Gov. Hochul’s uncomfortable closeness with Charlie Tebele and Digital Gadgets, LLC is a glaring red flag, and worse yet, this relationship caused New Yorkers to spend millions more than necessary on COVID tests,” said Byrne. “We got hosed while Hochul and her buddies are making out like bandits on our dime.”
Hochul received a $300,000 donation from Charlie Tebele, owner of Digital Gadgets, LLC, who hosted a fundraiser for the Governor in November 2021. Also of concern is that the governor gave Tebele’s son a campaign job.
Byrne, who is on the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means, has been calling for an investigation and hearing into the scandal. Additionally, requests have been sent to the state attorney general and Democrat leadership on the Assembly Committee on Investigation and the Ways and Means Committee. To this day, Democrats have taken no action.
The above information was previously distributed and made public for immediate release by the Office of Assemblyman Kevin Byrne