Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,Ref-Mahopac) is pleased to report Gov. Cuomo has announced a statewide commitment to invest $151 million into 95 paving projects and the renewal of approximately 1,000 lane miles, which include nearly $3 million for roadways within the 94th Assembly District.
“I’m pleased to learn of our state’s renewed commitment to our roadways, specifically these sections of Route 22 and Route 118,” said Byrne. “The sections which are scheduled to be resurfaced are in dire need of repair. Since first assuming office, I have had many conversations with NYSDOT and other state officials to advocate regularly for the repaving of our state roadways. While I’m glad these sections will receive much needed attention, I remain committed to advocating for additional paving and infrastructure improvements throughout our region. Our state must properly maintain its roadways to ensure our transportation system is safe and strong.”
Projects within the 94th Assembly District include $1.9 million to resurface Route 22 from Doansburg Road to Old Route 22 in Putnam County, $521,000 to resurface Route 22 from Milltown Road to Overlook Lane in Putnam County, and $500,000 to resurface Route 118 from Route 100 to Route 129 in Westchester County. According to the governor’s announcement, these projects are expected to be completed by the end of 2020.
Also expected to be completed are two projects previously announced. These include $1.1 million to resurface Route 139 from Route 100 to the Primrose School Driveway in the town of Somers and $2.8 million to resurface Route 22 from the Westchester County line to Route 6 in Putnam County.