August 21, 2020/ Somers, NY – For the first time in years, the Westchester Putnam Building & Construction Trades is weighing in on the 94th Assembly District by throwing its support behind Assemblyman Kevin Byrne’s campaign for re-election.
In a letter to the assemblyman declaring the endorsement, Building Trades President Edward Doyle wrote “We appreciate your commitment to work with organized labor and assist us in our endeavor to protect the rights of the men and women who work in the construction industry. I am pleased to announce that the Executive Board of the Westchester Putnam Building Trades has officially chosen to endorse you in your upcoming election.”
Calling the endorsement an “honor” Assemblyman Byrne added, “Since day one I have always said I would do my utmost to serve and represent all the hard-working people of this district. Certainly, that includes the men and women who work in the trades. Once we emerge from this pandemic, we will need their sweat and labor to help lift up our economy and build more prosperity for our future generations. I thank President Doyle, the board and all its members for their endorsement.”