Experts Join Byrne to Develop Action Plan, Assess County Government
Monday, October 3, 2022 – PUTNAM COUNTY, NY – Kevin Byrne, the unopposed Republican and Conservative Party candidate for Putnam County Executive, has announced the formation of his county transition team. Over the last several months, Byrne has hosted a variety of outdoor constituent forums in addition to numerous fact-finding meetings with county government officials from both inside and outside Putnam County government. While acknowledging an election must first still be won in November and respecting the will of the Putnam County voters, Byrne and the members of his transition team plan to utilize the time from now until January 2023 to ensure the new administration is ready on day one to lead the county forward.
Maximizing his time prior to taking office has been a key priority for Byrne in order to develop a thorough operational plan that achieves the best level of service and cost-effectiveness for the residents of Putnam County. To date, Byrne has already reached out to every town supervisor and village mayor in the county to hear their thoughts and discuss ideas on how they can do more to work together moving forward. He also met with a wide variety of county government officials from Putnam, Nassau, Oneida, Rensselaer, Orange, Dutchess, Saratoga and Penobscot (Maine) in addition to meeting with representatives from the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC), American City County Exchange (ACCE) and County Executives of America (CEA).
Assembling his transition team and planning for the future in anticipation of a November victory is a logical progression that will keep Byrne and his administration prepared and ready for any challenges that lie ahead.
Byrne has secured a group of top tier government experts to review the current structure, finances, programs and personnel within Putnam County government and to provide him with detailed recommendations and a forward-thinking plan for the county’s future operations.
The transition team will be chaired by Jim Burpoe, Commissioner, Orange County Department of General Services. The other members include former Putnam County Deputy Commissioner of Mental Health & Social Services Joe DeMarzo; former Westchester County Chief of Staff to Rob Astorino and former Chair of the Westchester County Board of Legislators George Oros; former state Assemblyman and current Southeast Town Attorney Willis Stephens, Jr.; and former Putnam County Attorney William “Bill” Spain.
“When I began my campaign I made it clear that it was as important to me to earn the confidence of the people of Putnam County as it was to earn their votes,” Byrne said, “With the announcement of our transition team, the voters can be assured that I am prepared to hit the ground running come January and that my administration will be staffed with competent, credible professionals.
The members of our transition team bring decades of experience in county budgeting, fiscal management, economic development, law, labor negotiations, private business, transportation and more. The team’s expertise will be bolstered by other subject matter experts who can assist in other specialized areas such as health, infrastructure, planning, etc. Their insights will be invaluable as we work towards making Putnam County a more efficient, transparent, and effective government.
I am truly humbled that these individuals have volunteered their time and expertise to serve the people of Putnam and make sure our county thrives. I look forward to collaborating with them as we continue our work to earn the people’s votes and confidence.”
Transition Team Chairman Commissioner Jim Burpoe: Burpoe currently serves as the Commissioner of General Services for Orange County, NY. As Commissioner, Burpoe is responsible for the procurement of approximately $340 million in goods and services every year. He has streamlined government operations, saving taxpayers millions of dollars annually while enhancing processes and services county-wide. Additionally, Burpoe manages Orange County’s Information Technology and Purchasing departments. His background includes building and managing his own multi-million dollar retail technology start-up company, as well as his time in public service as a law enforcement officer and U.S. Army veteran.
Mr. Joseph “Joe” DeMarzo: DeMarzo served the people of Putnam County for over 25 years in a variety of capacities including Deputy Commissioner of Social Services; Youth Bureau and Mental Health including Alcohol, and Substance Abuse Services. He remains active in the community as a board member of CoveCare and Putnam Hospital Center. Joe is a passionate advocate for young people and those struggling with mental health and Substance use issues.
The Honorable George Oros: Oros has an extensive background in county government, previously serving as Chief of Staff in Westchester County under then-County Executive Rob Astorino. Oros previously served for many years in the Westchester County Board of Legislators, including as Chair of the Board of Legislators. He is a recognized expert in economic development, public policy, and government operations and currently serves as an economic development consultant for the town of Cortlandt. Oros, an attorney by trade, also operated a private law practice for many years.
The Honorable Willis Stephens, Jr.: Stephens is a former state Assemblyman and the current Town Attorney for the Town of Southeast. Stephens is a long-time advocate for the residents of Putnam County and has an in-depth knowledge of planning, zoning, and land use as well as state and local government.
Mr. William “Bill” Spain: Spain is an attorney with deep roots in Putnam County. Presently in private practice, Spain previously served as the Putnam County Attorney and town attorney for the Town of Carmel. He has deep expertise in county law including the charter, rules, and regulations.
Putnam County Legislator Bill Gouldman will also be serving as the transition team liaison to members of the Putnam County Legislature. Gouldman, a longtime resident of Putnam Valley, is presently serving his third term in the county legislature and is the chair of the economic development and energy committee.
Learn more about Kevin Byrne and his campaign, plans, and vision at