Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,Ref-Mahopac) spoke about middle-class tax cuts at a press conference regarding the Assembly Minority’s budget priorities on Wednesday, February 27.
Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,Ref-Mahopac) was pleased to join his Assembly Minority colleagues this week for a press conference regarding the Conference’s 2019 budget priorities. At the press conference, Byrne spoke about keeping the Middle-Class Tax Cut which would provide $4.2 billion in tax relief to New Yorkers.
“As legislators, we should be doing anything we can to lessen the enormous tax burden placed upon the shoulders of hard-working New Yorkers,” said Byrne. “We need to stick to the plan initiated in 2016 to continue to provide much-needed tax relief and money back into the pockets of tax-payers. New York has some of the highest taxes in America, just one of the reasons so many residents are fleeing to other states. This tax cut is something we can’t afford to back out of. We must ensure it stays on track to be fully implemented without delay or interruption by the 2024-25 fiscal year as intended. I will continue to urge my colleagues to follow suit in remaining committed to its success.”
Other top priorities brought up at the press conference include making the two percent tax cap permanent and unfunded mandate relief. Making the tax cap permanent would ensure a continued limit in the growth of property taxes as New York already has some of the highest property taxes in the nation.
“New York’s taxes are sky-high and so is its debt, which is why we must put a stop to reckless spending and the amount of unfunded mandates that come at the expense of the tax payers.”