Please Comply With Local Yard Sign Laws

Posted: August 4, 2020 in Community

Every election year it seems yard signs some-how become an issue. When you have someone like Kevin standing up against the establishment, sadly it often creates enemies and animosity towards that individual. Each election, our yard signs have gone missing off private property, but it’s important to never retaliate. If you see an opponent’s sign, don’t touch it. If it doesn’t comply with your community’s local laws, simply contact the appropriate town government’s code enforcement officer.

That said, we must also practice what we preach and ask that all our volunteers continue to comply with local laws. Below is a link to the various codes published at towns within New York’s 94th Assembly District (Please let the campaign know if the information below is need of updating):

Southeast (including the Village of Brewster)

“Temporary signs shall not be placed on any business, industrial or residential private property tax parcel more than 21 days prior to a scheduled activity or event nor more than five days after the scheduled activity or event. Temporary signs shall not be attached to fences, trees, utility poles, rocks or other parts of a natural landscape, nor shall they be placed in a position that will obstruct or impair in any manner, or create a hazard or disturbance to the health, safety and welfare of the general public.” § 138-74 General regulations

Putnam Valley

Temporary signs, which call attention to a single activity or event for a limited period of time, may be displayed as follows, provided that all requirements listed below are met.A. Political signs, which are designed to influence the action of voters for the passage or defeat of a measure or the election of a candidate or candidates to public office, shall be permitted as follows:(1) Such signs shall be placed on private property with consent of the owner thereof.(2) Such signs shall be removed within five days after the voting is concluded.(3) Signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.(4) Political signs shall not be illuminated in any residential zoning district.” § 165-53 Temporary signs


  1. Temporary event signs not exceeding 3 square feet in area and which fully comply with the requirements of Section 154-65 shall be permitted for a period not exceeding six weeks prior to the activity or event, or exceeding four days after the activity or event.
  2. Temporary event signs exceeding 3 square feet, but not larger than 25 square feet in area and which fully comply with the requirements of Section 154-65 shall be permitted for a period not exceeding three weeks prior to the activity or event nor exceeding four days after the activity or event. The maximum number of signs per event shall be eight (8). § 154-67. Temporary event signs


“Years when there is both a primary and general election. Signs in residential zoning districts of the Town are permitted in unlimited number from 15 days prior to the date of the primary election until six days after the primary election and from 15 days prior to the date of the general election until six days after the date of the general election, provided they do not exceed 12 square feet in area. Signs in nonresidential zoning districts of the Town are permitted in unlimited number from 15 days prior to the date of the primary election until six days after the date of the primary election and from 15 days prior to the date of the general election until six days after the date of the general election, provided they do not exceed 16 square feet in area. In addition, no more than five signs between 16 square feet and 32 square feet in area per candidate are permitted from 15 days prior to the date of the primary election until six days after the date of the primary election and from 15 days prior to the date of the general election until six days after the date of the general election in nonresidential zoning districts of the Town only. Signs of political parties or signs containing more than the name of one candidate are also permitted from 15 days prior to the date of the primary election until six days after the date of the primary election and from 15 days prior to the date of the general election until six days after the date of the general election in nonresidential districts of the Town, provided they do not exceed 32 square feet in area, but are limited to a total of three Town-wide.” § 156-41 Signs.A. 


“In no residence or business district shall any sign or billboard be erected, constructed, displayed, maintained, moved, reconstructed, extended, enlarged or altered except in conformity with and expressly authorized by the provisions of this Article. Signs permitted by this Article shall not be placed, affixed or attached to any tree, except for signs commonly known as “no trespassing” signs.” § 170-124 General restrictions and regulations.[Amended 10-11-1990 by L.L. No. 3-1990]


“A temporary sign or banner, not in excess of 35 square feet in area, shall be permitted to announce or advertise, no more than 30 days in advance, such temporary uses as fairs, carnivals, seasonal agricultural events, circuses, revivals, sporting events, flea markets or any public, cultural, charitable, educational or religious event or function, including message of congratulation or commemoration. Such sign shall be removed within 15 days after the special event.” § 300-193.5 Temporary signs

Local laws have also been amended throughout the years. Please do your best to comply with all local ordinances in your community.