Assuring abundant, affordable energy and New York jobs

Posted: January 2, 2016 in Business, Energy

Following the governor’s decision to shut down Indian Point, agreed to by Entergy, the greater NYC-Metro region is looking at losing approximately 2,000 megawatts of carbon-free electricity and thousands of good paying jobs. Now more than ever, we need to safely look at all options available to enhance our state’s energy and security. It is unwise to rely on other states, or even worse, foreign nations to continually fulfill our state’s energy needs.

We need a comprehensive and diversified energy plan for New York to assure abundant, affordable energy that will power our communities and our businesses, as well as create jobs. In addition to renewable energy and greater efficiencies, we need to do more to harness our state’s true potential. My dad spent 45 years as a member of Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2 working as a high voltage lineman at Con Edison, so I know the plan must also include enhancing our aging transmission grid.

It’s amazing: two large pipelines are now crossing the Hudson Valley to carry natural gas to or through New York–none of it produced in our state.

Neighboring Pennsylvania has proven that hydro-fracking can be done safely and with respect for our environment. I’ll fight for safely regulated natural gas obtained from within our own state to provide the low-carbon base-load power our energy grid needs.

Other issues that contribute to the sky high cost of energy to consumers are taxes and fees. Eliminating these hidden taxes and fees from your utility bills will remain a priority.

New Yorkers deserve clean, affordable, reliable energy that’s not at the mercy of radical special interests or greedy bureaucrats.

Updated in January 2020