Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R,C,Ref-Mahopac) is pleased to announce the success of the Shed the Meds event he hosted in Carmel on September 21st at the Carmel Town Hall. Seven bags worth of unwanted medication were collected and will be safely disposed of by the Carmel Police Department. The event was co-hosted with Drug Crisis in our Backyard, Carmel Town Hall, and the Carmel Police Department.
“Thank you to Drug Crisis in our Backyard, the Carmel Police Department, and Carmel Town Hall for partnering with me to promote and host this event.” said Assemblyman Byrne. This is a real team effort, and there was a tremendous response from Carmel residents coming to dispense their unused or expired medications the right way. It’s so important to handle this medication properly so we protect our drinking water and ensure a person who may misuse them doesn’t have access.”
Carmel Town Supervisor Ken Schmitt added, “It’s extremely important communities come together to host these type of events. Shed the Meds offers town residents a safe and easy way to turn over their unwanted medication and serves as a reminder of the opioid epidemic and how we need to remain committed to combatting it.”
“We had an outstanding turnout this morning,” said Town of Carmel Justice Joseph Spofford. “Defeating this epidemic will not be successful without the entire community coming together like we saw this afternoon.”
“Thank you Assemblyman Byrne and your team for getting these deadly drugs out of medicine cabinets,” added Drug Crisis in our Backyard Cofounder & Executive Director, Susan Salomone
This is the second Shed the Meds event Assemblyman Byrne has hosted in his district. Byrne has followed the tradition first started by his former colleague, NYS Senator Terrence Murphy. Shed the Meds have become popular events throughout the area, with high participation from Hudson Valley residents.