“I appreciate the over 100 people who attended the joint Assembly and Senate public health hearing earlier this week to express their opinions and concerns about the financing of our existing healthcare system and who gave their input on the proposed Albany-run single-payer healthcare plan, also known as the “New York Health Act.” After listening to hours of testimonies from healthcare providers, business and labor leaders, insurance providers and patient advocates, I remain convinced that there are numerous ways the state can improve our existing healthcare system and how we pay for it. This means increasing access to a more affordable, quality healthcare system without upending our existing system or stripping away existing private and public health plans which many people, including seniors on Medicare, want to keep.
Patients deserve more options and flexibility with how they want to plan and pay for their healthcare, not less from an untested Albany-imposed system which increases taxes, increases wait times, kills jobs, and limits access to payment methods by eliminating existing private and public plans. We did hear about several alternative ideas which could help improve our existing healthcare system and how we finance it. Overall, unlike some other forums held around the state, this was a very well-rounded hearing which included input from stakeholders on both sides of the single-payer debate. The feedback we received will be of great value as we deliberate future policy changes to improve our healthcare system for all New Yorkers.”