September 26, 2018 / Albany, NY – Nurses from throughout the state of New York have elected to endorse Assemblyman Kevin Byrne (R, C, Ref- Mahopac) in his bid for re-election to serve the people of New York’s 94th Assembly District.
Marva Wade, RN (NYSNA PAC Chair) and Jill Furillo, RN (NYSNA Executive Director) expressed the organization’s support of Byrne, “The New York State Nurses Association is a statewide labor union of 42,000 front line nurses standing together for strength at work, our practice, safe staffing, and healthcare for all.” Wade and Furillo continued, “We are New York’s largest union and professional association for registered nurses. This endorsement acknowledges your interests in the issues affecting healthcare access and your commitment to addressing the needs of working families throughout your community.”
Assemblyman Byrne responded to NSYNA’s announcement stating, “Throughout my first term, as an active member of the Assembly Health Committee, we’ve found ways to work with these amazing healthcare providers to further access and improve the quality of healthcare for New Yorkers. I’m honored to have their endorsement. Nurses rock!”