Peekskill, NY / June 23, 2020 – The endorsements continue to roll in for Assemblyman Kevin Byrne as he seeks re-election to serve the 94th Assembly District. The most recent addition to an increasing list of organizations being the UA Local 21 Plumbers, Steamfitters and HVAC Service Technicians.
Local 21 Business Manager Frank Palen announced the endorsement in a letter to Byrne where he stated “It is with great enthusiasm and distinct pleasure that UA Local Union 21 of the Plumbers, Steamfitters and Service Technicians inform you that we OFFICIALLY ENDORSE you in your quest for your re-election New York State Assemblyman for the 94th District.”
Palen continued, “This endorsement acknowledges your long-standing commitment on the issues affecting workers and addressing the needs of all hardworking men and women in our area.”
Byrne accepted the endorsement calling it a “tremendous honor.” Byrne continued, “I’d like to thank Frank Palen and all the members of Local 21 for their continued faith and trust in me. The hard-working men and women of this state, like the members of Local 21, are the backbone of our economy. We must continue to work towards providing a climate that not only provides a safe place to work, but enables these amazing individuals to build and prosper even more so they and their families can continue to stay, live and thrive right here in New York State.”
According to union’s website, the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 21 is a Craft Union representing members employed in the construction industry. They work on everything from single family homes to nuclear power plants. From high rise buildings to high purity installations, schools, hospitals, and factories. From large industrial and commercial facilities to residential homes and developments.