(October 15, 2020) – Assemblyman Kevin Byrne has received an endorsement from Protect Our Police PAC, a national organization devoted to endorsing and supporting pro-law enforcement candidates. The organization recently released its 2020 endorsement list for governors, lieutenant governors, attorneys general, and state legislators. Assemblyman Kevin Byrne, running for re-election in the 94th Assembly District in New York, was honored to be on the list.
In his letter announcing the endorsements, POP PAC president Nick Gerace stated his organization’s commitment to “elect [ing] leaders who will always back the blue and support policies that keep all of us safe like fully and adequately funding police departments and prosecuting violent criminals to the fullest extent of the law. I could not be prouder of the slate of pro-police and pro-law and order candidates we are supporting this year for public office in state and local races across America.”
Assemblyman Byrne thanked POP PAC for their endorsement. “As Assemblyman, I’m committed to ensuring our first responders have the resources they need from the state. I am grateful for the support of our Protect Our Police PAC and I’ll continue to be an advocate for our men and women in blue.”
The Protect Our Police PAC endorsement adds to a list of numerous endorsements received by the Assemblyman. Other recent endorsements include:
Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2
Westchester Putnam Building and Construction Trades
Local 21 Plumbers & Steamfitters
Affiliated Police Associations of Westchester
Law Enforcement Employees Benevolent Association
Westchester County Corrections Officers Benevolent Association
Westchester County Superior Corrections Officers Association
Lake Mohegan Professional Firefighters I.A.F.F. Local 2956